Spring Clean Your Routine: Four Ways to Boost Your Productivity

You may think of spring cleaning as a phenomenon to do at home, but you might want to devote a little time toward making room for it at work.

But, in an age where the office is more paperless than ever, that spring cleaning is going to come less in the form of sorting out file cabinets and more in the form of rethinking how you tackle the work at hand.

With that in mind, here are some alternative spring cleaning suggestions—each with improving productivity in mind. Check ‘em out:

Spring clean your mental state. When it comes to having a clean area to work, it’s not just about taking the right mindset to the work you have to do, Stanford Professor Emma Seppala told CNBC last year. “The more information we fill our minds with, the poorer our ability to remember things becomes,” Seppala told the outlet. “The brain literally acts as if it were cluttered and we’re less able to ignore irrelevant information.” Seppala recommended a variety of strategies to help ease the mental clutter, including more deep breaths, a little bit more fun … and a couple of plants. Give yourself something relaxing to look at.


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